
Pink Polka Dots

I come home early in the morning
hunger and sleep distract me for a moment
and I go back to thinking
pink polka dots

It really doesn't matter what I'm doing
walking, painting, walking, writing...
I'm dreaming Pink Polka Dots

What has this World come to?
it has become one big pink bubble gum
it is lounge all my ears listen to
her voice, her lips
her thighs, like a ferris wheel

I'm lost in a psychedelic dream
marionberry flavored LSD
my obtuse obsession
until I see her and her legs again
wearing those almost painted boyshorts
covered with pink polka dots

My God, what have I done?
what door did I go through?
what card did I turn?
what lock did I open?
what Genie have I released?
such angel
such devil.


Strawberry Fields Forever (dedicated...)

Seattle, WA 12/18/2007

Early Seattle winter morning
It's me and I-5
rain and fog and graveyard shift
make my eyes begin to shut

My iPod shuffles Duran Duran
"Hungry Like the Wolf"
I light up another cig
(yes, I'm still smoking)
as I remember the time warp.
Sometimes music reminds us of our age
and I thought of a few friends
realizing how thinking of them
sometimes makes me feel even older
endless nostalgia
and the road ahead.

Friends whom are more than friends
individuals whose impact and presence in my life
has been nothing less than a gift from God
and if you don't believe in Him
just look at your friends

Friends like Christian whom I know since 3rd grade
and I hope one day everyone could hear him sing
or Christina Godinho
she knew Brazil would be a culture shock
and it was.
Gutty, who introduced me to Xaviera Hollander
and the girls who lived down the street
damn, I must have been 14
Arturo Monroy who was there for me always
and I wouldn't love him more if he was straight
Jorge Velez, who can make a rainy day, like today
be the best you've ever lived
then there's Tao Heras, you know him?
the main character of "The Incredible Adventures of Doctor Tao"
now that is a force to reckon with, a brother of war and peace
Grischa Alcaraz, if I had a twin....need I say more?
Wilson Martinez "La Hora De La Tos" I know you're North
carnal, I know you're North and you can't tell me
and I know you have a new name
Grillo, the sea wolf who taught me so much
see you in 2008, we shall throw a party like before.

But then, then there's the she iconoclast
my sister soul, my genesis and nemesis
deranged, genius and comrade
like saffron and paella
my Daliesque mirror is
this amazingly enlightened being
craziness that knows no match
with rebellious hair and wide open eyes
incredible talent and beauty
and a witty, razor blade mind.
You know how much I love you
but you don't know how much I admire you
and how much happiness you bring to my life
funny how your name rhymes with stubborn
I never told you this, Lauren
but sometimes I wish we could all gather together
as little kids, in a playground
if only once
and maybe one day
but not today
for today is yours and I declare it a holiday
happy birthday m'dear
and Strawberry Fields Forever


Flotsam and Jetsam

My hands are shaking
like a drop trembles on a leaf
I surrender to gravity and inertia
slipping on her soft and warm coat

Candle light reveals her thighs
I stare in sweet astonishment
as my hands hold her hips
and surf her skin

Drowning in sweet bitter peach elixirs
acidic like an opiate
as I breathe in the warmth
almost drunk
I see the cotton in pastels
and lose my mind

morning star and planet
Venus surrounded in bright terracotta
in the crimson Washingtonian dawn
as Rainier bathes in primary sunbeams

Her kiss with coffee lips
argue with mine
my soul is thrown miles away
floating in the ocean lust
pearl necklace jam
vanilla ice cream and cherries maraschino
flotsam and jetsam
as we dive to the deepness of the sea

There really is nothing like her
on satin sheets
like a raindrop
on a leaf



Tepoztlan, Mexico Circa 1994

It was a rainy afternoon in Tepoztlan

I can't help but wonder and question
why is it that weird things happen
on rainy afternoons
at least most of the time
at least to me

She saw my future in the Ryder deck

death on my palms, like a vulture
she said a voodoo curse had been laid on me
and then it all made sense
for sometimes I felt the pins
sometimes the needles
and always the gloomy shade
like the cape of some obscure Transylvanian count

We drove up the mountain

in her old Volkswagen bus
her home, like a quartz in a rock
sits at the bottom of the Tepozteco hills
with its jagged edges
and its Pyramid atop

Her place is besides the portal

a natural doorway in the mountains
that is said to be an entry to another dimension
I've been here before, many times

Sunset happened fast

hand drums breathe
sandalwood incense paints the night
as we sit inside a circle of candles
their flames and tongues mark the boundaries
of the tarmac to my spiritual dream

She handed me what seemed to be a cup of tea

"drink" she said
I recall being stoned
when I drank the tea of South American vines

Her hands on my head

chants in tongues I do not speak
maybe Yaqui, maybe Tarahumara
an egg cleanse
then silence
and incense

I saw the stars twinkling in random chaos

like Beethoven, like your eyes when pleased
"whoosh" I felt and heard something fly beside me
"whoosh" again and again, like a bird of prey
touching my naked chest, head, face, eyes and ears with its wings
it was her, cleaning my spirit with a pair of quetzal feathers
as I began to elevate into the cosmic darkness

It felt like when you gravitate on LSD

but different
like coffee from an old pot, with a hint of cinnamon
drunken Daedalus, my soul lifted in full flight

It must have been late morning when I woke up

laying half naked on the wooden deck
looking at the edge of the mountain
the portal had closed
and my soul had been spared
I had been cleansed

I haven't seen her in many, many years

but she changed my life completely
now, in the mornings
when I see the sky on fiery red and pink and orange
I think of the portal
of this very special friend
and of the mountains of Amatlan
where Quetzalcoatl took his first steps
on golden sandals.