
Bill Gates

Today was his last day at work and it's weird to think of him as an Edison.
He changed the way I talk, write, read, work, flirt, buy, watch movies, listen to music, photograph, pay bills and pretty much live.
Now he is out to continue having an impact on many others who are not so fortunate.
Thank you for showing me that you should still come to work, even after having Billions, and thank you for my job and for funding my brother's project to end hunger in underdeveloped countries through sustainable agriculture.
You shall be missed and expected at the Company Meetings at Safeco Field.
Oh and sorry for grabbing all those flashy Visual Studio pens at the product fair in 2002 (I know you saw me grabbing more than my share of those, you were standing right behind me) I told my mom and she wasn't very proud. She liked the pen though, those were kewl.



The Moon seems to have been turned off
like a bedside table lamp
I lay in the darkness
as a little boy
and I peek under the bed
and find the monster to be me
my mind.

I make a sail from my lungs
and from heart an engine
put.. put..put
as I go sailing to the depth of my conscience.

I see new colors in the palette of a lady bug
I see a daisy undressing for me
petal by petal
dew drop by dew drop.

Thump by thump by thump
this drum takes me through this world of frescoes
through this water world inside my head
beyond galaxies
beyond blood and time

I see dogs as plush pillows
sheep as beds
catfish air balloons
and an elephant couch

I chase after the bread butterflies
that Alice described so well
and I run through corn sculptures
till I see her eyes and her naked breasts before me
my muse, in my world
to where only LSD would take me years to come

A place Ginsberg and Thompson know so well
Country you have no passport to
where the sky is shut
like the zipper in a tent
and the lid of a pressure cooker
is placed upon our heads

A land where clocks have handcuffed hands
Where people wear fish bowls instead of helmets
where we can breathe water
where we use finger paintings and kisses
instead of words

Where wars are fought with poems
and maps are tattooed on arms and legs
where it is all seen through a lens
in 35 millimeters

Where Mothers are huge cotton clouds
that surround us and embrace us
like a bullet proof down comforter
and a smile capable of heating the ocean
they do, as a matter of fact

Under my bed, inside my head
a world where our tears become tiny little heart beads
that we give away
at every sigh.


Dolphin Crimson

How can I close my eyes and look away
when your face is there, behind the sun
in the kitchen
in the deepest part of me.
When the pain returns in twitches
and warm summer eves sweep me in sweat
when the burning soles tell me to run
and never stop
When the storm is brewing
and my bed is breaking in half
and the headphones can no longer mute this silent scream
this cry for help
this scream in sorrow
this confession
I was wrong
... and like a dolphin I dive, slowly
into the sea


Special Day

There are days that seem endless
there's a war, a fight, a struggle
an internal conflict, an abyss
Then there are special days
when beehives and chestnuts and sunbeams
form a waterfall on your shoulders
while your eyes capture the turquoise Nile
days when you smile
when love pours in deltas
and today is one of those days, Genie
Happy Birthday


Rush 5-31-08 The Gorge

When I was 11 and my neighbor played Permanent Waves for me I became an instant Rush fan. I posted that story some time ago. Through the years I've looked back and realized that he didn't have to take the time to introduce the kid next door to a rock band. That was very nice of him, it showed me that there was more than Queen in this world... I've always wanted to thank them, but thank you only goes so far. At some point you have to pay it forward and last night I was able to do that. Thank you Emmy, last night I was a kid again, listening to Rush for the very first time. I hope that when you become my age you will look back and remember Peart and how life is amazing when you do what you love, then tell your RFID Ear Canal Implanted Chip to play Rush - Snakes and Arrows, Digitally Re-Re-Remastered in 128000Hyper Terabit Mega Dolby X Sampling by Justin Timberlake. The Gorge, as always a reminder of how insignificant we are, when standing before the majesty of the Lord.