
Richard Wright est mort

Some poets sink ships
Some songwriters make tears
Some directors make dreams
Some paintors make worlds
Richard Wright made atmospheres
So long my friend
thank you for the music
I'm glad I got to see you twice
I'll be seeing you on the dark side.

Richard died 15 September 2008.


The Alchemist

Cup of coffee
to open the blinds
pull the curtains
on this day
not sunday or tuesday
not any day
just today
yesterday's evil twin

Again, the sun is out today
shining bright
from my bedroom I can see
jumbo's taking off to distant lands
from Boeing field

Laundry piled up
yesterday's latte on my bedside table
our black and white portrait as headboard
and a fan determined with twisting air
like I'm obsessed with something else

I can breathe and sip on coffee
rested and ready to live
to work, to drive this life up the hill
the shower is steaming
my nakedness undressing
and the mirror unforgiving

Nothing's changed
my horns are still barely visible
arms and fists are steel and iron
the raging bull is back
and I'm gone.



The clock can keep counting my days
with its merciless impatience
...and the heart can keep pumping blood
sometimes I really don't care.

But these pearls?
what am I to do with these pearls?
throw them back in the Ocean?
make a wish for oysters to yawn?
...and these pictures?
am I to fold them into a glossy paper airplane?
throw it and wish it went back in time?
But how?
How the fuck how?

As I stand before this cauldron of despair
stirring a blackbird in awe and disgrace
it's Madness!
that's all she said it was

As if my heartache could be cured by a doctor
as if a stethoscope could remove her voice from my soul
as if a pill and weekly conversations could undo this.
For love so deep, is woven.

The pearls I threw on the bay
the pictures paper airplane became
I threw away your letters and cards
and the love I tried to recycle
but that failed
now my heart is stuck in the shredder
as the genie grants its third wish
for this love was so deep
it was almost madness
and in the fog of the prairies of the south
my soul and ghost will wander aimless
like a blackbird amongst flotsam
and jetsam.


9/11 in retrospective

I'm torn because I don't really know what happened, but it's clear I've been lied to.

Bill Clinton: should have stopped the Taliban and Al Qaeda as well as enforcing control over Visas and those here on Visa. He was four knee cating Monica Lewinsky and granted, maybe I would have too, but still, he lied.

George W. Bush: should have given the memoranda regarding the threats with the seriousness that our National Security deserves, he should have sent more troops to Afghanistan and Pakistan to capture Bin Laden and should have frozen all of the Bin Laden and Royal Arab assets in the U.S in exchange for Bin Laden's head. He invaded Iraq and made an incredible profit by giving all contracts to Halliburton and disrupting the Oil market, he lied.

Bin Laden: Assasin, puppeteer manipulator and transgressor of a religion, convincing mothers to send their sons and daughters to the slaughter when in America there is tolerance, he lied.

Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict and Catholic Priests: should have resurrected Torquemada and the inquisition against the priests raping little altar boys. Instead you have weakened the Catholic and Christian religions, you lied.

John McCain: Worked extensively with Joe Biden in a resolution to the Iraq exit strategy, but now has forgotten all about it and agrees with a draft, a longer deployment in Iraq and has rejected several GI Bills, he lied.

Conspiracy Theorists: You make me question the validity of everything and just because of that I thank you, I still don't know if you lied.

Sarah Palin: You lied, that is why you won't talk to the press. That lipstick, it looks gorgeous on you. ....ok I lied.

The troops fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Firefighters and Police Officers killed at the World Trade Center died with honor reminding us what courage, patriotism and heroism is in its purest form.

The children of these brave American men and women whom have died on these coward attacks, these wars: they are the ultimate victims, and they deserve TRUTH.

"The love of truth has its reward in heaven and even on earth.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Now Olbermann


Sabotage as usual

Which is the right path?
why can't I just focus on this instant?
past and future have conspired
to steal my present
worry and guilt have partnered
to keep me from dreaming
migraines and back pain
don't let me live
and my demons
so pretty
and scantily dressed
distract me and tempt me
with apples and Cristal shoes
and distance
and my daily Irish car bomb optimism
remind me that there's no better time for depression
than the present.


3 Years of Blog

This blog, funnel cake, AM radio, paella, nerve net, guacarock (Mexican Rock Music), poetry butchery and idiotic written letter extraordinaire started 3 years ago as an attempt to improve my English (putting some skin on the game) through constructive criticism. Which was a failure, since nobody reads this blog.
Therefore I would like to celebrate the 3 year anniversary with my dear friend Spell Check, it has not been literature, but what fun.
We would also like to acknowledge our relentless sponsor:
"Zandunga Bubblegum" Now in Sugar-Free Peach Melba
- "Zandunga Bubble Bubba Gum -it's nasty, but you chew it".


September '08

2nd - Finally diagnosed with Chronic Prostatitis and therefore beginning a new chapter: The Doctor ordered: give up coffee, lose 25 pounds, reduce stress, exercise 3 times a week and put some plastic nutz hanging in the back of my car (just to show I still have some) in matching color.

3rd - After receiving an unexpected phone call I have now formally accepted being a volunteer for the Obama Campaign (I want a free t-shirt, so there)

8th - Bull of Brougham's 3rd Anniversary (I still don't get why you keep reading this shit, but all of the staff here at Bull of Brougham appreciates it, and yes, we know who you are)

16th - Mexico's Independence Viva Mexico. Now we just need to open a huge factory down there and another one here to produce a vulgar ammount of barbie dolls to cover the entire planet and reach world dominance. Si Se Puede - Yes We Can.