
Dies Natalis

Breathe in
and look around
my heart is finally keeping a pace
get up, stand up
the strength is coming back
my arms once more, feel like a pair of logs
my legs lift me effortlessly
and my lungs sing quietly and in harmony
My high blood pressure is back to normal
and I've already started losing weight
it's an awakening
finally letting go of that crazy nightmare
where I was a juggler, sinner and saint
now I have something that feels.. solid
there are no crumbling ceilings and no broken windows
there's nothing other than the base
a very solid base
weaving dreams together
her and I will continue walking
hand in hand
planning and drawing what may come
here, I can build something mine
this mountain I shall climb
done by two
brick by brick
seeing the world
and enjoying every morning
like today
it's like life reborn
God sent and godspeed
we'll see where it goes
I take another sip of perfection
breathe, exhale
and know that now I live
hand in hand
in the morning
lips with taste of coffee
her beauty is
where the sunbeams come from



My heart is so full of pain
it almost sounds like a piano
I thought it was love
or confusion
but it's just guilt
an ocean of remorse
on which my life is anchored
lonely sailboat on Hurt Bay
struggling to stay afloat

The wind of her words
brings tears in a storm
the hurricane of memories
the heavy life vest
sinking me
the whirlpool of her crying face
and divorce documents like paper airplanes
slashing my heart in a million paper cuts
pictures and post it notes
letters and songs and all the years
all the life reflected before me
as I listen to the siren's cry
and use the very last bit of courage left
(I never had much)
to jump overboard
and finally drown
in an ocean of remorse
slowly letting my life go
staring at the star of your eyes
at the beacon
and another thousand wonderful things you are
like a beacon
and the star in your eyes.



The ceiling fan keeps turning
blowing air on my face
naked and still wet from an after sex shower
I feel my body, cooling down

The night is here
I'm here, all alone
and darkness all around me
you're the dream
walking in and out of the dressing room
at some lingerie store downtown
exclusively for volcanic voluptuous girls like you
I'm the sweat drop
running down your thighs
the poisoned cherry
trapped between your lips
driving at top speeds
on this lustful avenue
this hunger to taste you
these handcuffs to free you
this riding crop to teach you
and an endless desire of you

Have you ever noticed
the morning corpuscle
is trapped in your eyes?
I guess you haven't looked deep enough in my eyes
you haven't seen the mad man, trapped in me
if you did, you would probably run
or surrender hopeless and fall on your knees

But if instead, forgetting all else
you looked in my heart
you would see I wouldn't care
if that fan spinning was an airplane's propeller
ready to tear me to shreds
life doesn't really matter anymore
if I can't run my tongue down your thighs
like that sweat drop
like lace


Nine Eleven

I'm not terrorized anymore, I never was. The images I saw on TV that day broke my heart. Seeing people jump to their deaths, knowing firefighters were still in the womb of the towers when they collapsed, all the instant orphans, the dust and a different landscape. I was angry, and perhaps I still am. I know that the terrorists were Middle Eastern, but I have Middle Eastern friends. I know the terrorists were "Muslims", but I have Muslim friends, and these people who supposedly did this are nothing like the Middle Easter Muslim friends I know.
I also know my uncles and other Civil Engineers, and we don't believe kerosene's burning temperature brought the buildings down, and President Bush left many unanswered questions. Except that his response was another Katrina and that he manipulated National Security information for Political gain. Then we went to Iraq, we didn't have to go, we didn't want to go, our allies didn't want to go and Powell lied to the U.N., but my friends are in the Armed Forces and I support the troops, always. Leaving a constant worry.
We elected a new President (I voted for him) and still there are many questions left unanswered. Still, that day something happened, something changed in the very fibers of this Country. I saw White Americans, First Nations (Native Americans), African Americans, Mexican Americans and Asian Americans come together as a whole. Together we raised from the ashes, we survived Bush and we are already recovering from the worst financial crisis we've ever seen.
We are not terrorized, I don't think we ever were.
We are angry and we will never forget, and Fuck You, Putos.