

The four gears have reset
the cycle of life starts again
and the same lesson
remains unlearned.
Human kind stays the course
sailing on a ship of fools,
thinking we're moving forward,
and ignoring the waterfall before us.

We still use religion to manipulate
we still use laws to corrupt
we still use money to buy
and we still use guns to silence.

We tolerate the intolerant
and are deemed infidels
We adapt to those unwilling to adapt
and lose our identity.
We let baby making automatons
whom have never planted a tree
hide behind a religion of fear
We see electric car snobs
burning coal indiscriminately
We sustain industrialized monsters
as they create a global sewer
and an economy of credit and unfairness.

... and the land keeps giving
and we keep extracting
fracking continental shelves
polluting, using, abusing
raping, buying, fucking
as we survive in the stretchmarks
in the fast food gluttony of the ugly fat whore we've become
forgetting the true heirs of this sacred Mother Earth:
First nations, and children.


Twenty Angels (Sandy Hook)

Like tiny footsteps on the sand
the wave came, and washed them away.
Their happiness, and their voices
were silenced forever, earlier today.

The ghosts of condensation

from tiny noses pressed against the window pane
might still be there tomorrow,
but they won't.
Just their lingering laughter
and an unanswered question.

Like tears in free fall,

at some random airport.
They were love promises
whispered between a man and a woman,
for they were little miracles
but now their light is gone.
And if the sky needed twenty stars
can't it do without?
and if the heavens needed twenty angels
can we have them back?

Like blue unicorns

their smiles, their laughter
their little scarves and mittens
all in a box.