
9/11 15th Anniversary

We haven't forgotten,
we can't
the Extremist Terrorists keep reminding us
killing us
while we remain quiet
chocking in the gag of political correctness.

We invaded the wrong country

then left at the wrong time
and now they have an entire region
victimizing, torturing, burning, drowning, beheading
while we're told to mind the weather.

Our Veterans are dying while standing in line

fighting a backlog, which must taste like disdain.
We found which foreign State gave more to terrorism
and sat to negotiate.

We forgot.

Well, the Liberal media tried to make us forget.
who we are, who we were
and most importantly, the sacrifice of those before us.
Four more years and we'll feel ashamed of that too.
Well, this Administration
and the terrorists that keep coming
reminding us
to Never Forget.