

...of course I saw her
she carried me within her
she juggled miracles
she gave me life.

She fed me hunger for learning

she taught me to live life
with a humble, yet adventurous curiosity
she taught me to be free.

She would sit on the couch, late at night

and listen to Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Vivaldi
I'd crawl to the living room, and curl up to her
as I grew older, it changed to Beethoven, Dvorak, Bach.
... and I don't really know if Classical music makes children smarter
but it sure is the only music worthy, to remember one's Mother.

She taught me to be fair

she taught me to be humble 
... well, she tried
but most of the time I was just too damn stupid to listen
always busy with the busy
but I guess something stuck.

She taught me to treat everyone equally and well

particularly those least favored in life.
She tried to teach me the way to the Lord, tirelessly
How could I not believe? Only the Lord could have given me this miracle.
I have no doubt, my Mother was Heaven sent
you could see it in her faith alone.

She taught me love is unconditional

she taught me to treat women respectfully
she taught me the power of mercy and solidarity
she taught me to be bold.

All this with the warmest embrace

the kindest eyes
a mischievous laughter
and a beautiful smile.

It was home

no matter what country we were in
she always made it a home.
I know this to be true
for when I became homeless (by my own choice)
I cried silently, every night
Now I do so again
and will for the rest of my nights.

She taught me to accept who I was

She showed me Brasil
She showed me Mexico
and how we live in a world
full of magic and beauty.

She showed me almost everything I love.

I was her youngest son
she loved me so much
she was so proud of me
she always said so.

Today I hope and pray

her teachings help me continue living
a simple life, worth living
now the sun is going down, giving way to the night
and any glimpse of happiness is hard to catch
today I saw her die.