
Milk & Honey

What really matters?
Your money?
or the money you inherit, borrow or steal?
it's not mine
so it doesn't matter
if that is all that matters to you
then you don't matter to me
I've learned the value of the round table
Your height?
hardly, for not just the most successful
have been of average height
but also the most atrocious
for true height is not measure
it is acknowledged.
Your weight?
your weight you carry
some carry it better than others
but most of the time it is genes
health is of bigger concern
Your sexual orientation?
that's a choice
and sometimes I wonder why we have to choose
it is, after all, no ones business
and at this moment my heterosexuality makes me question
if it is the cause of my insanity
then again I didn't chose to like women
I just do
Your education
as long as it is to help others
and not to hide your insecurity
by belittling others with articulate words
Your religion
I hate it
whichever one it is
but I forgive you
cause it won't save you
as far as I'm concerned you can keep knocking on doors
praying, prying, begging, preaching, judging and killing
for I have many Gods
one is a fiery animal
and it's coming for you
until you stop playing God
or pretending to know what God wants
There's no time to dwell in the past
yesterday no longer exists
and there's no point in worrying about the future
and it's uncertainties
and our insecurities bathing tomorrows
there's only time for right now
and nothing more
breathe and live right now
this minute
completely aware
or you'll miss out
your God, he'll wait

right now I want milk and honey
"- come here, pussycat"


Anonymous said...

Siempre odiando la religiĆ³n, sea cual sea, no se si fue el destino o el amanecer en el que despiertas cada dia...mmm

Kim said...

Thanks for the reminder to live in this moment .. sage advice..and btw, LOVE your politics!!